Welcome to Life Repurposed

It’s so easy to get caught up in convenience, complacency and being comfortable. In fact, it’s the default for alot of us. The band-aid approach and instant gratification have become the societal norm. However, that method isn’t sustainable and eventually we are left feeling burnt out, stuck and miserable. Life Repurposed is a space where we swap the old way of thinking for a new way of life. We focus on achieving optimal health and sustainable habits for long term change. It’s a space where we strive to feel our absolute best and get the most out of our lives. A space where, together, we restore the resiliency we have in us and reclaim our health.


Monthly Programs

Refresh (4 week 1:1 program)

This program is for you if

  • You’re ready to start making some serious changes.

  • You’re ready to start showing up for yourself

  • You want a professional to create a plan but feel like you can maintain changes with minimal accountability.

Rejuvenate (12 week 1:1 program)

This program is for you if

  • You’re ready to dive deep and take control of your health.

  • You’re ready to make a commitment to yourself

  • You need a lot of support, accountability and a personal cheerleader to get you there.

Individual bookings

This option is better suited to those who want to dip their toes in the water, feel comfortable holding themselves accountable and want to do things on their own time at their own pace.



Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’re constantly bloated or in pain after eating. Your bowel movements are irregular and your gut could use some love.

  • Your stress levels are through the roof. You’re anxious, down, or straight up burnt out.

  • From the moment you wake up, you’re exhausted. Or you crash mid-day. You rely on coffee to get you through each day.

  • You can’t remember the last time you had a good night sleep.

  • You dread your period and the cramps/PMS that come with it. Maybe you’ve done your research and are ready to finally come off of hormonal birth control.

  • Your skin is affecting your confidence and you’re ready to fix it once and for all.

  • You know something is wrong but you aren’t sure what and you just want to feel better.

I can help

Get regular recipes, wellness tips and tricks, first dips at my offerings (and more 🤍) when you sign up for my newsletter.

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